What does it mean to finally "announce" a game that's been years in the making? Anticipating our first game's big reveal, allow me to ponder...
I've spent years now thinking about these characters and this world, pondering how to build a gaming experience that revels in exploration and fun while culminating into a timeless tale about hope.
There's nothing I've created that hasn't been heavily revised or cast aside to allow Teddy & Proxy's journey to evolve into what IT wanted to become. I've excitedly shared this concept with strangers the world over, inviting them to contribute their talents, pull and stretch the fabric of this game into new shapes and patterns and sometimes send it barreling down unpredictable new paths.

I've met an incredible number of potential contributors throughout 2023. Most of which are patient souls willing to let me ramble on about the studio's culture, the game's intentions, our basic philosophies, good intentions, and honorable pursuits.
Their enthusiastic responses lifted me, rejuvenated my efforts, instilled in me a confidence to keep working towards a vision I had no way of realizing on my own.
Building this game has proven more demanding than I ever imagined, but the challenges are less daunting when you have a supportive team. Outside of fatherhood, I've never given more of myself to any other endeavor throughout my entire life. But there is no quit.

Given that investment, you might think I'd be worried about the reaction to the game, hesitant to release our studio's "baby" out into the big bad opinionated world...
But I only feel excitement and a great amount of pride. I am prepared to celebrate EVERY reaction--compliment or criticism--to our humble creation.
The team and I are dedicated to improving every aspect of the game we can afford to improve, adapting our approach in whatever way the project demands, and releasing the best version of Always in Mind we can possibly build.
To all who take interest in this game and studio, who weigh in with comments, share the updates, discuss the materials... I want to thank you for being a part of our journey. Please know that--much like the amazing people who have contributed to the project directly and my close friends and family--you lift me high enough to carry on and see this vision through.